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DEXA Body composition

DEXA Body composition

Regular price 1 995 SEK
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Measurement Points

A DEXA scan is the most established method in clinical studies for assessing body composition in humans. A single test provides you with the following data points:

Muscle mass in grams, per body part

Visceral fat in grams and cubic centimeters

Body fat in grams and percentage, per body part

Bone mass in grams and cubic centimeters, per body part

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) according to the Harris-Benedict equation

Practical Information

A DEXA scan takes approximately four minutes to complete. During the scan, you lie comfortably on a table while a mechanical arm moves horizontally about half a meter above your body, scanning from head to toe. It is important to remain still throughout the procedure to ensure accurate measurements.


No special preparation is needed.

You can keep your clothes on, except for items with metal such as zippers or belts.


DEXA is considered the gold standard, with other methods like BodPod and InBody compared against it for accuracy.


The scan is conducted using a Fujifilm FDX Visionary DR machine, which exposes you to a radiation dose of 0.1 microsieverts (μSv). This is equivalent to about one hour of natural background radiation in Sweden, according to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, and is comparable to the radiation exposure from passing through airport security (1).

Complete Data Points Included in the Final Report

Basal Metabolic Rate (kcal/day)

Total body fat percentage

Fat Mass Index (FMI) in kg/m²

Android/Gynoid fat ratio

Trunk/legs fat ratio

Trunk/limb fat mass ratio

Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) area (cm²)

VAT mass (g)

VAT volume (cubic cm)

Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT) area (cm²)

Total body lean mass percentage

Lean Mass Index (LMI) in kg/m²

Appendicular Lean Mass Index (kg/m²)

Total body bone percentage

Contact Information

Address: Rådmansgatan 48, 113 57 Stockholm. Ground floor, first door to the right after the entrance.

Phone: 076-023 00 87

Research Insights

Studies have shown a correlation between high volumes of visceral fat and increased brain atrophy and cognitive decline (1)(2).


1. Book the Examination: Schedule your scan on the Helsa website.

2. Health Questionnaire: You will receive a digital health questionnaire via email to complete.

3. Appointment Confirmation: Once the questionnaire is submitted, you will be contacted by phone for scheduling.

4. Results: Your results will be securely shared with you via a link verified with Bank-ID.

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