Join Shahab Sayardoust in improving your brain health!

Join Shahab Sayardoust in improving your brain health!

Douglas and I have spent a lot of time together dissecting the inner workings of his mind. That’s why I’m happy to let him turn the light on my mind instead.

Thanks to Douglas and his new venture Helsa, I got my brain MRI scanned, analysed and found out my BrainAGE and hippocampus volume.

On the positive side, my memory centre, the hippocampus, is in the 91st percentile! 
On the flip side, I now know my brain is four years older than I am — a new core health KPI to track and improve 🧠

Concretely, I will:
1.     Increase the amount of healthy fats via nuts and seeds.
2.   Increase amount of cardio.
3.    Learn a new language (Spanish or Italian) while also working on my French!

With support from Douglas and his team – rejuvenation has started 🧘

Shahab's linkedin post

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