Joseph Michael's experience with Helsa

Joseph Michael's experience with Helsa

I did an MRI scan on my brain 😳

Thanks to Helsa, I learned a couple of things about what’s going on inside my head.

First, there's actually a brain there - always a good sign! 🧠

Second, my BrainAGE is younger than my chronological age! As much as 5 years younger, in fact.

Third, my hippocampus and cerebral white matter are amazing, top 10% in my age group.

A large hippocampus = enhanced memory and good cognitive function.

But my cerebral gray matter could be better.

My takeways:

A lifestyle of mainly Mediterranean diet and daily exercise pays off, also for the brain!

Move more! Higher energy expenditure is good for the gray matter.

And most importantly: information is key.

With the right data and knowledge you’re in a better position to improve. I got a 25-page report with 24 biomarkers and plenty of recommendations.

Thanks Douglas Stark for building a great solution!

Very excited about where the space of brain-health goes next.

Joseph's LinkedIn post

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