This is my brain captured in the BrainAGE scan and this is what I learnt:

This is my brain captured in the BrainAGE scan and this is what I learnt:

My BrainAGE is 31.
I’m 33 but the structure of my brain resembles that of a healthy 31 year old man.
BrainAGE is linked to your cognitive function, so  the younger your brain is, the better your brain functions and an older brainAGE predicts cognitive decline.

My hippocampus is in the 67th percentile.
The hippocampus plays a central role in memory formation and spatial orientation. The bigger it is the better, and if it starts to shrink that’s an important biomarker to keep track of.

The cerebral gray matter in my brain is in the 45th percentile.
Gray matter is roughly 50% of the brain, the rest is white matter and fluid.
Higher energy output is associated with larger gray matter. Since learning that, I incorporate a daily walk-and-talk, which has increased my caloric expenditure from 3500 kcal to 4000 kcal daily according to Whoop.
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